School of Ministry
Cornerstone Conference IPHC
Our School of Ministry is part of the IPHC Clergy Development and the Ministerial Credentialing Program. Each credential—Local Church Minister's License, Minister's License, and Ordination—requires the completion of ten courses. Starting on July 15th, enrollment will be open for individuals seeking their Local Church Minister's License. In January 2025, courses will be available for those pursuing either a Local Church Minister's License or a Minister's License. Coursework for those pursuing ordination will be available at a later date.
If you are interested in enrolling for the upcoming semester, please visit the registration page and complete the School of Ministry student enrollment form. Then, fill out the CCIPHC Ministerial Credentialing application and send it via email to tnichols@ccrdc.org or by mail to the Cornerstone Conference Ministry Center at P.O. Box 150, Browns Summit, NC 27214. Along with your application, you will need to pay the enrollment fee of $225. This can be mailed with your application or you can call and pay over the phone. Upon completion of these steps, you will receive a link via email that will grant you access to the courses. This link is necessary to complete the courses, so please ensure you follow the steps to receive it.
To learn more about the program and see a list of courses,
please visit https://phpastor.org/ministerial-credentialing-program/.