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The Wholeness of Thanksgiving


Most of us are familiar with the Biblical account of Jesus healing 10 lepers as recorded in Luke 17:11. Every year for Thanksgiving this text may be heard from thousands of pulpits across America and around the world. May I draw your attention to the last phrase in the episode? Jesus said to the 10th leper, the one who returned to give, thanks to the Lord for his healing, …arise, go thy way, thy faith has made the whole. The original word in the Greek language is “sozo”, and it means far more than just being healed in the physical sense. It means to be healed and made well in body, soul, and spirit. It is the word from which we get our English word “ salvation”.

Ten lepers were no doubt, healed in body but only one returned to give thanks and receive the completion of Christ’s provision for salvation and wholeness. The scripture says that when he saw that he was healed, he turned back with a loud voice, glorifying God, and he fell upon his face at his feet giving him thanks. 2 Timothy 3:2 warns that unthankfulness is a prominent sign of the end of the age. it is included right alongside such all time great sins as blasphemers, pride, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, disobedient, and others.

The absence of Thanksgiving is a sure sign of an unregenerate heart. The presence of thanksgiving can become the motivating power that drives us back to the feet of Jesus, so that He can finish the work that he started in us…complete and utter wholeness! Our culture needs this! The church needs this! We are a broken generation in body, soul, and spirit and only Jesus knows how to put the broken pieces of our fractured lives together to make us completely whole in Him and with one another. It’s much greater than just the external need. Thanksgiving that brings us back to the Savior for what still lies broken under the surface is the greater issue. True thanksgiving to God , at His feet, can help to get us there!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Article By: Darrell Greene

Pastoral Care and Counseling

Cornerstone Conference IPHC


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