Article by Anthony Craver
Assistant Superintendent
Cornerstone Conference IPHC

Hi Everyone. It has been a joy to learn together in 2022. If you have not yet entered your credits in for the year, there is still time to do so. As a friendly reminder, each active, licensed or ordained minister in the Cornerstone Conference needs 24 CEU credits each year to remain in good standing. One credit is given for one hour of training, either in person or audio/podcast, or 100 pages read in a leadership/ministry book. You also get credit for the conference events you have attended and for reading your Bible through each year. Any one of our powerful BMI courses typically count for over ten credits. It is not difficult, and is so rewarding. I want to recommend two books you might be interested in:
1. Out of the Cave by Chris Hodges
2. The Eight Paradoxes of Leadership by Tim Elmore
God bless you all as you learn and grow.
Anthony Craver
Continuous education is crucial, and having resources like at hand is invaluable. It ensures staying ahead of peers in grades, emphasizing the importance of help for academic success.