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Longer Days and Limited Opportunities


Article By: Garry Yeatts

BMI Director & Ministerial Credentialing Committee Chairman

Cornerstone Conference IPHC

I was recently talking with someone who asked if I had noticed the days getting longer? I’m sure you have noticed that every day is providing a little more day light. The Winter Solstice was Wednesday, December 22, 2022. It’s characterized as the least number of hours of sunlight in the year. I’m always happy to see this time of the year roll on through the calendar. I find it a little depressing to go to bed at night and get up in the mornings when it’s still dark outside.

There’s a spiritual irony to longer days. Jesus calls His people to a sense of urgency with His statement, “I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work” (John 9:4; NKJV). Perhaps we’ve all had an occasion when we were doing yard work and as the day grew later, we wondered if we would have enough daylight to finish. Jesus was certainly mindful of His earthly mission, and the limited number of days and opportunities to accomplish His ultimate purpose of providing redemption for the world. There was a sense of urgency that made Him mindful of the time. In the solar sense of the word our days are getting longer. But in the spiritual sense of the word our days are growing shorter.

Do you sense some urgency that the spiritual night is drawing near when the window of opportunity will close? Paul’s admonition comes to mind, “Redeeming the time, for the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16). If we’re not careful our “meant to do that” will be lost to, “I wish I’d done that!” Moses’ prayer is appropriate to remember in this regard – “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12; NKJV). We may have longer days, but as each hour passes, we are left with limited opportunities to accomplish what we want or need to do.

I wonder how many times you might have thought or said, “I ought to audit a BMI class. It would be a refresher for my ministry, and I could certainly use the CEU’s.” May I encourage you to visit the Cornerstone Conference website. Look at the BMI class schedule and choose a class; read the book; then attend the class. Mark your calendar today and be intentional! If you’re committed to a life-long learning posture, you’ll be able to sharpen your wisdom blade and perhaps make a new friend in the process. Auditing a class on the Conference grounds will provide you twelve CEU’s (half of what you need in a year). Do it now! Remember, the days are longer, but the opportunities will become more limited with each passing day.


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