Article By: Dr. Stan York
Director of the Cornerstone Archives
Cornerstone Conference IPHC

Greetings in the new year of 2023! Every new year provides ample opportunity for you as a pastor and a church to donate special articles for the Cornerstone Conference Archives. I have often wondered concerning an amount of archival material found rotting in landfills. I know personally of two important pastors whose material was burned or is degrading in boxes left to the weather. Please do not allow this to happen to your personal files either for a pastor or a church. I will list several items needed for our archive files.
Historical pictures of your church, special programs, special letters to your church from the IPHC headquarters or Conference for meeting goals or hosting special events, and any newspaper clippings about your church. An example is Pastor Tim Nelson gave me at their Centennial a photo of G. W. Stanley in front of the church in the 1940s.
Pastors, we will place your Ordination Certificates, special awards, photos of special events celebrating your pastoral achievements. An example is the Jack Goodson family donated a wonderful collection of archival material to your Archives.
The Archives Committee stands ready to help any church preparing for a 25th, 50th, 75th, or 100th birthday. Also, we desire to know if your church is celebrating any of the above birthdays. We love to attend and celebrate those events with you. Please begin to contact us about these celebrations and I will list the church and date in each newsletter from the Conference
If you have materials to donate to the Archives, please drop them off at the Conference Offices. A great time to bring these materials is during our Annual Conference. Pastors, if you have special materials and desire to keep them for your family, would you allow us to photocopy those materials and return to you?
Please email me at or call me on my cell 704-577-9701.
Blessings! Dr. Stan York