Accelerant 2023 was held in Gatlinburg, TN January 26th through 29th. 2,959 students and leaders gathered for a powerful time of ministry. Of the 2,959 more than 600 were from Cornerstone Conference.
On Friday, Pastor Allen Griffin gave a call for prayer for deliverance. Hundreds of students responded and were prayed for to be delivered and healed from addictions such as substance abuse, pornography , depression and anxiety, and various other strongholds. Youth pastor after youth pastor lined up, surrounding the auditorium and prayed for the hundreds of students that came forward.
Photos from IPHCStudents. Click here to view more.
The highlight of the weekend was the ministry of Pastor Sharo from HopeNYC. First, she spoke to 175 Youth Pastors at the Saturday morning Breakfast. She gave a powerful testimony of her father, who was a Hindu Idol maker, coming to know Christ in Trinidad. In the general sessions she encouraged the students to wave the banner of Christ even if they are the only ones and have to stand alone! She also reminded us that there is power in the name of Jesus! She told us that there are many gods, but only one, Jesus Christ, who is alive and powerful.
As always, the weekend went by quickly and God moved in a mighty way. Only heaven knows the lives that were changed and ministry opportunities that await these students! Until next year….pray for the work that began in these students to continue!
Article By: Joel Boyles
Resident Director of Discipleship Ministries
Cornerstone Conference IPHC