The Ministerial Continuing Education Program exists to connect our ministers with the best resources available to teach, train, and inspire them to greater things for the Kingdom of God through monthly communication and collaboration.
In our rapidly changing world, a degree, a certificate, or a license is not enough to insure long term effectiveness in ministry. Instead we must all be committed to the process of lifelong learning. Eric Hoffer has said that “In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”
The Cornerstone Conference is focused on fulfilling the Great Commission of Christ to make disciples all over the world. In order to do that, our churches and ministries must be led by leaders who are committed to spiritual and personal growth. This is not a time for passive leadership, rather a time for servant leaders to rise up and take hold of the mandate of Christ, going forward as fully equipped believers to multiply churches and disciples.
To facilitate such growth, we are committed to provide our ministers with the best resources available to teach, train, and inspire them to greater things for the Kingdom of God. Each month, the MCEP Director will contact the Conference Ministers through email to share events, recommended books, BMI classes, and other training events designed to help us all be better ministers and better leaders.
Each Cornerstone Conference minister must complete 24 credits per calendar year. (This excludes retired ministers)
Each minister must regularly log credits earned into a form found by clicking on the button above or by clicking HERE.
Failure to meet the continuing education requirement will result in the forfeiture of ministerial credentials.
Examples of how credits can be earned:
Cornerstone Conference Events and Services
Annual Conference -1 Credit
Conference Empower Services – 1 Credit each service
Pre-Pentecost -1 Credit
Minister’s Day of Renewal – 2 Credits
Biblical Ministries Institute Classes – 7 Credits per class (plus reading credits)
The Cove Minister’s Retreat – 5 Credits
Ministry and Leadership Books
1 Credit per 100 pages read
Church Conferences and Training Events
1 Credit per hour of instruction
Leadership and Ministry Related Podcasts or Audio
1 Credit per hour or portion thereof
The Bible
Read the Old Testament in one year – 3 Credits
Read the New Testament in one year – 3 Credits
*No Credit will be awarded for:
Fiction Books
Audio Sermons
"Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge." Proverbs 18:15 NLT