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Antique Books



The Cornerstone Archives is charged with the collection, preservation, and displaying materials from churches and pastors to reveal God’s faithfulness in establishing His kingdom building and ministry to Western North Carolina. 

Archives is always seeking information that pertains to the Conference.  It is our goal to fill-in our history since its conception in 1915.  We welcome any information and labeled pictures that document events within our conference and churches.

Our Archives Committee meets once a quarter to go through materials and catalogue items of interest.  They also help encourage local churches to donate items to place in their individual church files.  Together we try to determine the order in which we want  to preserve and enhance our collection.

Many times people ask if an item is of interest to the Archives Department and the answer is, EVERYTHING IS OF INTEREST. Please do not throw away something without asking us first.  There are times that we have duplicates, and we take the one that is in the best shape and try to preserve it.  Any item that is dated and represents a significant event is always of importance for our department.

Material of great interest:
Publications by A. E. Robinson, The Virginia Challenge, The National Voice, Tomorrow, copies of the Way of Faith, copies of The Holiness Advocate, and church histories.

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